This video started circulating- a bunch of kids are at a bear enclosure at a zoo. A mother duck and baby ducklings end up in the water in the enclosure. The bear makes his way over and starts snacking on the ducklings like popcorn. Everyone in the crowd is groaning. People are complaining that the kids are traumatized.
I used to work at the children’s museum, and we had a coop with baby chicks. Another one had eggs. The babies often look dead when they first hatch because being born is hard work, and they’re tired. We often got complaints that the kids were traumatized by dead looking newborns. I would always explain it just like that- “Being born is hard work, and they’re just tired.” That’s life!
Once my daughter was watching a nature show from Africa, and an entire pride of lions feasted on a zebra. When they were done, all that was left of the zebra was his skeleton. My daughter was about five, and I had to explain the circle of life to her. Eventually, you’re going to have to explain it to your kids. It’s unpleasant, but they need to learn. They do get over it. I’m just saying.