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Saturday, August 31, 2024
Now I Can Finish the Rainbow 🌈!!!
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Lucky in Love
Selfie of me and Kevin from about 6 months ago ⬆️
This past Saturday, when I was driving home from dropping Evita off, I had really bad driving anxiety. I just pushed it out of my head thinking, as long as I just get home- I won’t have to drive for a week. Kevin and the boss were doing all the driving to Corpus Christi and the little towns in between. But then early Sunday morning, Kevin had a flat tire, so I had to drive. I hadn’t told him about the driving anxiety the night before. I just dealt with it. Then I noticed there was a big smudge on the windshield in my field of vision. How did that happen? I have no idea. It was on the inside too. If it was there on Saturday, then I must not have seen it due to the fact that I was only driving in daylight. Perhaps it was just more noticeable in the dark. Or maybe it was new, I have no idea. There were also no 24/7 stores nearby that we could go get windex. I only had to drive to the boss’s house, because he was going to drive everyone to the little town we were doing inventory at. Then, there was a road closure in both directions about three miles from the boss’s house. The navigation couldn’t figure out a new way to go. It just kept repeating “make a u-turn, make a u-turn.” Finally I just had a massive panic attack. I had to pull into a c-store so we could switch drivers. Kevin insisted he knew another way to get to his house. But that just gave me more anxiety, because I never did add Kevin into my car insurance. It’s just me and Evita as listed drivers. So I was like, please be careful.
Inventory in the little town took four hours. We bought windex and a cheap roll of paper towels at the store we worked at. Went back to the boss’s house, cleaned my windshield. I drove the 30 something miles from his house back to ours in Waller. Now with daylight and a clean windshield, (and no road closures), it was easier but my driving anxiety came back. I finally just burst into tears and told Kevin about the anxiety I had Saturday evening and how I was glad I wouldn’t have to drive for a week. I was in tears the whole time I talked about it with him, when this whole day long I had managed to not cry.
With my mother (and my late father), crying is this ultimate failure that makes them beyond mad. If I ever went to them crying about anything and happened to be dating anyone at the time, one of the threats they’d spew was, “Don’t ever cry like this in front of your boyfriend, he’ll break up with you!” So part of me just assumed total failure of the relationship. I assumed Kevin was mad at me for this. We got home and I subconsciously started sizing up my belongings in case I had to pack up and leave. But the most unexpected thing happened. Kevin laid with me on the bed and told me he was extremely proud of me. I didn’t know what on earth he meant. Proud of what? He then explained that I had this bad driving anxiety, but I still drove anyway. I made it there and back, safely. I fought through the fear. I was like- oh. Oh? Is that a perspective on this situation? It is? Kevin said I was a fighter. He has called me that before.
The total opposite of what the older people in my life said would happen (I say it like that because it definitely wasn’t just my parents that instilled all this extreme fear in me). This experience really solidified my love for this man. He can see me at my worst and still have this perspective that is positive. No one has done that for me before.
Saturday, August 24, 2024
Homemade Senior Pictures

Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Creativity for the End of August
to Evita for her birthday.

No more creativity for about a week and a half. We are going to be busy until the end of the month. I might come home from work tomorrow or whenever and bake some more of the oatmeal cookie dough. Instead of raisins. I put almond slices. And instead of molasses I put vanilla extract.
Sunday, August 18, 2024
Movie and Quilt
Kevin and I have a three day weekend. We are off tomorrow, and then have to go to Corpus Christi twice over the next two weeks. We are local Tuesday and Wednesday, then in Corpus Thursday and Friday. Then back for a one day weekend. Then little country towns Sunday and Monday, and back in Corpus for the next three or four days to end August.
Today we watched the movie “Changeling” with Angelina Jolie. I’ve seen that movie before but Kevin hadn’t. It’s about the disappearance of a 9 year old boy in 1928 named Walter Collins. The LAPD returned the wrong kid to Walter’s mother, and when she insisted it wasn’t her son, they committed her to a psych ward. Later, they determined that Walter had been a victim of the infamous “Chicken coop murders”. The killer Gordon Northcott confessed to killing Walter, but the confession was all over the place. Sometimes, killers falsely confess to murders they didn’t do. They actually want to be the ones to have done it. I know, it’s weird. Their psychology is backwards at best. Angelina deserved an award for this scene alone. They never found Walter buried in the graves Northcott dug for his other victims.
This brings me to my famous insistence that a lot of missing people might be alive out there. Could Walter still be alive? Nah. He’d be 105. Was he definitely a chicken coop murder victim? No. His biological father was a criminal and in prison for theft at the time of his disappearance. It’s possible that someone associated with his father took him, and it’s possible that someone random took him and he lived several more years. Unless you find physical evidence like the body or a lot of blood it’s always possible. If someone goes missing, lives several more years after their disappearance, and then dies of anything, I still consider that as someone who could have been found alive obviously. Even Walter’s mother still believed him to be alive somewhere until her own death in the 1960’s. She never gave up. Poor lady.
On a happier note, you know how I found all these colors of jeans at the thrift store and envisioned a rainbow denim chenille quilt? The red and orange rows are done! Not only that, but my corners are pretty even! Here it is with the other colored denim squares on top. I do have purple, but not sure where. I’ll find it.
I can’t believe I’m actually pulling it off.
Weekend of Tidbits
Mitchell decided he needed to guard my sewing kit. (The hat box is my sewing kit.)
On another note, I’ve been reading my dad’s old Fanny Farmer Cookbook. Years ago I said with the advent of the internet, I no longer needed cookbooks. But now when you google a recipe, you get enormous articles preceding them. It will go over the history of the recipes, the biology of pecans (or whatever), or that maybe some historical figure liked to eat it,
I mean they just write about EVERYTHING when all I want is a recipe. I’m putting blank notecards in the pages of stuff I like. Maybe I’ll hand write them all for an index card box like my grandmothers and some of my aunts did.
Saturday, August 17, 2024
Feast Day
My mom is Greek Orthodox, and has gotten pretty religious in the last couple of years. She went to church on Thursday. And tonight is at a big dinner party at church, for a holiday which is basically the feast day of the Virgin Mary. (Or, the Assumption of the Virgin Mary).
My own religious beliefs are complicated. Despite being Greek Orthodox, my parents decided to send me to middle school at a private school associated with a Baptist church. Then in high school, we moved to Arizona and I went to public school again. The rest is history! But whenever the Virgin Mary comes up, I think of a girl I knew in high school in Arizona. She was very devoutly Catholic. Extremely religious. She mentioned several times that she was going to be the next mother of God. She claimed that God told her she was going to be the second woman in history to become pregnant as a virgin. All she had to do was just practice becoming more and more holy and then one day, poof!
I remember a medium size group of us scoffing at her. Kids of other Christian denominations tried to get theological with her about why God isn’t doing that again. To my knowledge, she never became pregnant. But here’s the thing-
Looking back on that after 30 years? It’s so obvious what she was doing. She was obviously being sexually abused and the “God told me I’m so holy I’m going to be the next pregnant virgin” was a cover for “just in case” she did actually become pregnant from the abuse. I want to punch myself now that I’m older and wiser, because it’s just so obvious now. All the religious debates we tried to have with her when what we should have done was alert the school counselor.
I don’t know what ever happened to her, and I can’t find her on social media because she had a very common name.
Thursday, August 15, 2024
Stuff I did today
Wednesday, August 14, 2024
Person Missing
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Bad Kids
Kevin is not the biggest fan of kids who misbehave a lot. He coined the term “shithead kids” for them. When we were first getting serious, I asked how he felt about having a teenage stepdaughter. He said that Evita is a great kid- “not some shithead kid”. And now we use the term jokingly if we see one in public or otherwise.
I recently listened to Trace Evidence talked about The murder of Shirley McAvoy She was a mother of two who was murdered in 1990. Her kids were in 7th grade and 3rd grade when she died. She had been missing for a couple of months. One of her kids actually found out about her murder from a shithead kid on the playground. He told her, “Hey I heard they found your mom.” She said she perked up and got excited for a minute, until the kid started describing the scene in great grotesque detail. I told Kevin about this and said, “That was a shithead kid.” He said, “Yup! That’s the working definition!”
How terrible and what a horrible kid. I wonder if he ever found her on social media years later and apologized. I can tell you that most people in my classes growing up all apologized to each other for any bullying we may have done.
Monday, August 12, 2024
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Tidbits for a Thursday off
I’m also making queso in the basketball. To make crockpot queso, chop a block of velveeta into cubes and stick it in with a can of tomatoes + chiles. You can also add a can of actual chili, but I didn’t since Kevin is a vegetarian. I later added onions and poblanos. Then Kevin called from his errands out to tell me he wants to take me out to a nice restaurant tonight. So the inner part of the crockpot I’m just going to wrap and put in the fridge.
Wednesday, August 7, 2024
25 Cent Day at Family Thrift Outlet - Amazing Finds