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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

This Blog is Stale

 The great thing about my new glasses is that I can finally work on my laptop, because I can actually see it now!  This means I’ll now be blogging from my laptop instead of my phone. This also means that I might want to delete the old blog, as I started it about 3 years ago when life was extremely different. 

I’ve been blogging since 2005, and every couple years I always felt the need to delete the old blog and start a new one. So the other blog I started on my other Google account is Danielle’s daily notes. Danielle is my real first name. Akasha is a pseudonym I made up. I knew a woman once who had a different name but “preferred to be called Akasha”.  I lost contact with her, so stole the idea for myself. I don’t have a middle name other than my maiden name, so I feel like I’m allowed to do that. My name on this account is actually Daniiiakasha. I also knew another woman once named Danielle (NOT the one who “preferred to be called Akasha”) who liked to spell Dani with “three i’s”.  So I stole that idea too. 

The other Google account I started to put notes for the book I’m writing on “Danielle’s Daily Notes.”  This was almost two years ago. I deleted those posts as I wrote the book in an actual Google document in July of 2023. 

Also on my laptop, for whatever reason, it’s going to allow me to comment on other people’s blogs!!!  I’m excited about that!  I like the community on here. And I know I don’t really get that community unless I give comments. Maybe the reason my laptop lets me is because it doesn’t know about my two Google accounts, including the Daniiiakasha one. Are you only “allowed” to have one?  I’m not sure how I ended up with two. So if I’m not Google can feel free to abolish Daniiiakasha. 

I also worked more on my Child Advocacy blog on Wordpress, which also talks about my past career working with kids. Daily notes and daily life is different though- a separate space is needed to vomit thoughts on the regular. I’m also working on my book The Child Advocate.  I compiled all scratchy notes in to the main document a few days ago, and then copy pasted everything into  It states I have 21,713 words!  A standard novel is 50,000-100,000 words.  

Kevin and I just got home from a business trip to the absolute dead ass middle of Texas. It’s very remote out there. I checked in on Facebook and said, “If I owned the Texas shaped cutting board, then this is the town in which I would do most of my chopping.”  I don’t own a Texas shaped cutting board- I think it’s very impractical. I have one in the shape of Kansas. 
We got home last night, and I know today is also 25 cent day at Family Thrift.  But Kevin and I are too busy grocery shopping, doing laundry, and cuddling our two cats who missed us. Their grandma took good care of them, though. She always does. 

1 comment:

  1. Please give us warning if you decide to delete anything, and let us know where to follow you to.
